Month: December 2019

Why is Google My Business Necessary for Any Local Business?

Every 8 out of 10 people turn their heads to Google to find their choice of business. When it comes to finding things of interest, Google has turned out to be an impeccable resource. This…

Know All About Google Ignoring Flash Content on Websites!

Since the early 2000s, the web has been flooded with flash content. With the video, animations, and games, the flash content paved a new way for more interactive content on the internet. Flash used to…

How an SEO Services Provider Can Help You With Google Penalties?

Every business aims to rank high on the search engine. SEO can be a little complex, and without the knowledge of effective SEO techniques, enhancing the visibility of your website becomes difficult. The services of…

Dig Down on Google BERT Update

BERT is one of the major and latest algorithm updates of Google. BERT is the abbreviation of Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers and refers to a deep learning algorithm that is associated with natural language…