Anyone with a website knows how frequently google alters its rules & regulations. Yes, it can be quite frustrating for anyone, even with vast knowledge of SEO and other related technicalities. But what you need to understand is why google changes the regulations so randomly. You see, none of this is random, every change is planned for days by the top experts of the industry before it is implemented. This is done mainly to give the best possible experience to the end users and provide them with the ultimate levels of security. If you don’t comply with these regulations your website ranking is bound to fall and so will the user experience.
The mobile first technique
One of the most recent changes brought by google is the mandatory mobile-first indexing. Within one year each and every website has to comply with this feature or else they must be ready to face the consequences. Google has already started sending notifications to website owners worldwide about this new regulation through the google search console so that they can implement it as soon as possible. This feature was first introduced in Nov, 2016 and soon mobile indexing was being used for almost all search results.
Even though it sounds complex, it isn’t for several SEO providers. Mobile first indexing is nothing but the process by which google crawls the websites through the views of the mobile browsers and utilizes the mobile versions for ranking as well as indexing purposes. This is done mainly because of the increase in the number of people searching the internet through their smartphones. In this technologically advanced era, you need to keep up with the evolving technologies if you want to stay updated. If you fail to implement this feature on your website, then Google’s mobile crawler will not be able to access your site smoothly without any glitches. This will not only affect your user experience but will heavily impact the ranking & indexing of the web pages on google.
More on the Errors
According to the experts, the ‘missing image’ issues are reported as errors while the Page Quality and video issue are treated as warnings. But how to know about these errors or warnings, right? Well, you don’t have to worry at all. Google has already taken care of it. Google has been sending everyone emails regarding the mobile first indexing issues that has been detected by them after rigorous analysis. In the email, errors and warnings have been clearly stated so that website owners can take the necessary steps accordingly and fix the situation.
How to fix it?
All these Errors and Warnings can be quite time consuming and complex if you are not a professional with access to the latest tools and techniques. So the best thing to do is, hire the top agencies that have both the resources as well as the manpower to get the job done. These agencies will charge a nominal fee and make sure that your website is compliant with all the prevailing rules of Google.